Our Story
Beginning in 1995, we united middle school and high school students from all socio-economic, religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds throughout the greater Philadelphia region. We gave these students the opportunity to meet and share their vision for community improvement with other “Champions.”
The program assisted the students in further developing leadership and communication skills including public speaking, interviewing, fundraising, planning, implementing, and sustaining service projects.
Over the years, the Champions of Caring organization sponsored multiple programs:
The Champions of Caring Recognition Program honored and celebrated young “Champions” in our community for their outstanding commitment to community improvement and social advocacy.
The Ambassadors of Caring Leadership Program was a year-long training opportunity that taught “Champions” important leadership, advocacy, and communication skills. Workshops, retreats, seminars, and symposia were offered throughout the year to help support these “Champions” in their service.
The Journey of a Champion School Program promoted caring behavior in the form of service and civic participation through high school English and/or History classes, middle school classes, and after-school clubs.
Champions of Caring-MaAfrika Tikkun Global Program connected students in Cape Town, South Africa, and Philadelphia, PA. MaAfrika Tikkun, a South African NGO that embodies the Hebrew word “tikkun”, meaning “to repair the world”, adapted the Champions model to South Africa context.
Dan’s Champions, was created in memory of Barbara’s son, Daniel Eisenbud, who cared deeply about the plight of immigrants. The program, in collaboration with Kensington High School, a Title 1 school in Philadelphia, and other community partners, fostered a culture of caring, taught life skills, and empowered students to become social entrepreneurs.